PLEASE REGISTER for this free wellness class by filling out the form below.
If you have not previously had an screening with the Kellin Foundation, please call us at 336-429-5600 to schedule that. You may also fill out our online referral form, and we will contact you to set your screening up.
WRAP is a 20 hour training that may be used towards some certifications with a certificate of completion. If you are seeking a certificate of completion, there will be no absences allowed.
Because each session builds on the previous session we strongly encourage no absences for anyone to gain the most benefit of the training.
REGISTRATION FOR WRAP must occur before 2nd session. This date is for SESSION 5. This class meets every Tuesday from 1-4 PM for seven weeks beginning April 16, 2024.
Make a plan to take back your life and live it the way you want to live it! The WRAP class is a peer support group designed to help individuals develop and maintain a Wellness Action Recovery Plan. The goal of the class is to empower individuals to take control of their mental health and recovery journey by providing a structured framework for identifying personal triggers, early warning signs, and developing an action plan to address these challenges before they escalate.
Throughout the class, participants will learn about various wellness tools and strategies that can support their mental health, including mindfulness, self-care, and coping skills. They will also have the opportunity to connect with others who are on a similar journey, share their experiences, and offer and receive support from each other.
The WRAP class is grounded in the principles of self-determination, personal responsibility, and mutual support, and is facilitated by trained peer supporters who have lived experience with mental health challenges. The class is open to anyone who is interested in developing a personalized plan for achieving and maintaining mental wellness and recovery.