PLEASE REGISTER for this class by filling out the form below.
If you have not previously had an screening with the Kellin Foundation, please call us at 336-429-5600 to schedule that. You may also fill out our online referral form, and we will contact you to set your screening up.
The Japanese art of Kintsugi (or kintsukuroi) literally meaning “golden repair,” involves filling the cracks of broken pottery with precious metal – dusted lacquer, most often, gold. The concept behind the art is a belief that breaks and repairs contribute to the value increasing history of each piece. In other words, ‘the beauty is in the broken’. In comparison, our human experiences – failures, and injuries, when appropriately repaired, can also render us more beautiful and valuable. This course aims to strengthen the places broken by grief and loss by aiding the participants in identifying, describing, and processing unaddressed pain. The ultimate goal is to accomplish a level of healing from the injurious consequences of avoidance, such as: stress, health problems, depression, anxiety, anger problems, behavioral issues, and overall genuine unhappiness.
12 Classes, 10 of 12 required for graduation:
Session 1: Introduction to the Grief course: Objectives, Goals, and Guidelines for Processing Grief and Loss.
Session 2: Loss: Identify, Respond, Support
Session 3: Grief: Staging, Relating, Expecting
Session 4: Surveying Loss
Session 5: Loss Packet Step 1 – Telling the Story
Session 6: Loss Packet Step 2 – Exploring the Meaning
Session 7: Loss Packet Step 3 – Identifying the Unfinished
Session 8: Loss Packet Step 4 – Honoring the Past, Stepping Toward the Future
Session 9: Loss Packet Step 5 – Celebrating the Kept
Session 10: Closure Part 1 – Collages: Group sharing and Supportive Feedback
Session 11: Closure Part 2 – Processing Closure: Finding Relief in the Healing
Session 12: HOPE (Hold On, Pain Ends) – Grab Bag Group Processing Activity
If you have any questions about this course, please email or call 336-429-5600.