The Chase Continues: Upcoming Suicide Prevention and Mental Health First Aid Trainings

Suicide Prevention Month may be in September, but the importance of mental health awareness continues all year long. The need for understanding and intervention is ongoing, and now is the perfect time to ask yourself: What can you do to keep contributing?

If you’re looking for ways to stay engaged and make a lasting impact, we’ve got the answer: Equip yourself with the skills to save lives, not just during one month of the year, but every day.

We’re offering two QPR Suicide Prevention certification training sessions on October 22nd and November 14th. QPR—Question, Persuade, Refer—is a straightforward approach that anyone can learn. Think of it as the mental health equivalent of CPR. It’s about noticing the signs, asking the right questions, and guiding someone toward help. Simple, yet potentially life-saving.

On November 7th, we’re also offering a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) certification training. This course is designed for anyone who wants to be better prepared to support someone who may be experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem. Whether you’re a caregiver, community leader, or just someone who wants to help, MHFA will give you the tools to respond effectively.

So, what’s next? How do you continue making a difference? It’s simple: Register for one of these trainings. By doing so, you’re gaining knowledge and you’re stepping into a role that could change lives.

Click the links above to register and learn more about how to respond to mental health crisis. Keep the conversation going, and be a part of a community that cares. 


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