Stride for Life: Shea’s Chase and the Role of Suicide Prevention

September is National Suicide Prevention Month—a time to pause, reflect, and honor the lives lost to suicide. It’s a month when we embrace those who have faced the dark abyss of suicidal thoughts and stand with families and communities that bear the weight of this profound loss. It's about renewing our commitment to raising awareness, extending compassion, and providing support with both urgency and empathy.

One story that stands as a poignant reminder of our mission is that of Shea McKenna. Shea, with his brilliant humor and philosophical spirit, was a young man of remarkable depth. Yet, despite his many gifts, Shea grappled with mental health challenges that led to his untimely death by suicide in June 2014, just shy of his 28th birthday.

In the aftermath of this heart-wrenching loss, Shea’s parents, Tom and Dianne McKenna, transformed their grief into action. They established Shea’s Chase, a 5K run and walk that has become a day dedicated to bringing people together to honor those we’ve lost, support those in need, and raise funds for suicide prevention and mental health services.

The numbers surrounding suicide are stark and urgent. Between 2000 and 2022, suicide rates surged by approximately 36%. In 2022 alone, suicide was the cause of 49,476 deaths—about one every 11 minutes. The figures are even more staggering when we consider the number of people who think about or attempt suicide. That year, 13.2 million adults seriously contemplated suicide, 3.8 million made plans, and 1.6 million attempted to end their lives.

The proceeds from Shea’s Chase support the Kellin Foundation’s work, which includes providing free counseling, peer support, and community outreach to children, adults and families. Kellin Foundation’s quality and accessible evidence based, trauma-informed services are fundamental to combating suicide and supporting mental wellness.

In our ongoing effort to equip the community, we’re offering free QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Certification Training on October 22nd and November 14th. These workshops are designed to teach how to recognize the signs of suicide, offer support, and connect individuals to help. Additionally, we’re providing a free Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training on November 7th.

These training opportunities are a chance to learn how to respond effectively to someone in a mental health crisis. Whether you’re participating in Shea’s Chase or simply someone committed to mental health and caring for the community, we encourage you to sign up to join these life-saving programs.

As September progresses, let’s commit to our role in preventing suicide. By participating in Shea’s Chase on October 5th, attending our free trainings, or simply starting a conversation about mental health, you’re helping to build a community where no one struggles alone. There is hope, and together, we can shine a light for those in need.

Honor the memory of those we've lost, support those still here, and work toward a future where suicide is no longer a leading cause of death.

Be a part of the change on October 5th by joining us for Shea’s Chase. Empower yourself and others by signing up for our free QPR and MHFA trainings. For more details and to register, click the buttons below.


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